22 Blogs Every Writer Should Read

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36 Responses

  1. Ben says:

    What a great list. I’m currently reading some of them already, but will be sure to check out the rest!

  2. Dustin says:

    Thanks Ben! I posted some of these on Lifehack in my “Ultimate Writer’s Productivity Resource” but as you an see I kept some good ones for readers here! Enjoy them — but don’t forget to come back here later, too! 🙂

  3. Thanks, Dustin! Great to be included in your new, expanded list!!!

  4. Dustin says:

    You’re welcome, HNTW. Keep doing what you do!

  5. Liz Strauss says:

    Thanks, Ben! It’s great to be included in such a thoughtful and well-chosen list! I found a few new favorites here. I always love when that happens!

  6. Dustin says:

    I think you mean “Dustin”, Liz — and you’re welcome. It’s the least I could do for someone I’ve learned a lot from.

  7. Mohsin says:

    Thanks Dustin! (see, I didn’t confuse you with the first commenter!)

    And thanks again for the list. There are quite a few blogs there I didn’t know of before. 🙂

  8. Tom Colvin says:

    I’m always amazed by such lists, as every single one I uncover contains blogs and sites I’ve never visited before. Your list in particular has lots of nice surprises.

    Thanks too for the nod to Becoming A Writer Seiously. How do you learn all that biographical detail? Do you work for the CIA part-time?

  9. Thanks for including me in this stellar company, Dustin.

  10. Dustin says:

    Tom: The CIA *wishes* I worked for them! (No, seriously, they’re actively recruiting anthropologists these days.)

    But no spycraft was involved in making this list. Rather I relied solely on the clever use of “About” pages.

  11. amypalko says:

    Great list, but you missed out my favourite! Joanna Young’s blog, Confident Writing is an absolute must for all writers, imo.

  12. Dustin says:

    Thanks for the suggestion, Amy. I actually hadn’t seen Confident Writing before, so that’s a new one for me to check out. But there are dozens of great sites out there to check out — when I was writing this point, I knew it would need a followup or I’d never be able to get it done — it would just keep growing and growing. So look for a follow-up in the next couple months, and maybe even a follow-up to the follow-up. There’s so much great stuff out there once you start looking, this might well turn into a regular feature here!

  13. meghnak says:

    Thanks for sharing this great list. Though I read many of these, some others are quite new to me, which I’m sure to check out.

  14. Ashish says:

    Hi Dustin, This is a great list. Apart from Liz’s blog I haven’t seen any other. I’m relatively new to blogging and writing. Thanks for taking time to compile this list.
    Another one you might love to have a look at is Mens with Pens http://menwithpens.ca/ and I especially enjoyed their article http://menwithpens.ca/fiction-writing-bringing-dialogue-to-life
    – Ashish

  15. Dustin says:

    Ashish: I love Men with Pens; another one for the follow-up. Thanks!

  16. Dustin,

    Thank you for including my blog on your great list. You’ve listed several of my favorites but introduced me to several new blogs that are now in my feed reader.

  17. Nah, those Men with Pens guys are just hacks.

    Nice list. There’s one or two that I hadn’t seen on there. I’ll check them out.

  18. Dustin says:

    James; French-y, too, but still: readable. Ain’t othing wrong with that.

  19. --Deb says:

    Good list–I’m off to check the ones I don’t already read. (And, hey, if Men with Pens didn’t make the list, I can’t complain about not being on it myself, right?) (grin)

  20. _writer says:

    Hi Dustin,

    If this helps any, I typed “writers blogs” into Google to get here. Google decides to produce over 1.5 million search results for those keywords, thus making your concise guide a welcome relief to “search fatigue”.

    With this in mind, I’d like to place a link to your blog on my own fledgling “blog outpost”, please. (I always ask since I’m oldfashioned that way).

    For everyone who reached this comment: Dustin’s other site pages are well worth a visit, too. I checked out “tools” and was pleasantly surprised.

    More power to you.

    Kind Regards, _writer.

  21. Dustin says:

    _writer: Glad that I could be of help. Of course you — or anyone else — can link to this site. Linking is, in my opinion, the bedrock of the Web, both in practical and *moral* terms. Linking provides a service to readers (“Read this, this is good!”), traffic to the sites you link to (who do, after all, want to be read), and attribution where needed (I’m an academic — I think it’s important to cite your references!).

  22. _writer says:

    Thanks Dustin,

    Another pleasant surprise is you feedback through your comments system quickly. I’m impressed, since your last posted comment (before mine) arrived here end of April 2008. (Not all bloggers seem to check comments so promptly, if at all).

    I read somewhere Googlebot (The Ranking Algorithm)determines page rank for a website(partially) by the amount of links made back to it (backlinks?). Currently, writerstechnology.com is on page 6 of my generated search results, though “backlinking” should boost your ranking.

    I’d like that to happen for two important reasons:

    1. Your website helps fiction writers (not just copywriters)
    2. Your site is well-written (I thought your “About” biography page was one of the best I’ve read online recently). Online ‘bios’ are not easy to get right!

    Your point about citation is a crucial one for online content, Dustin. I am so pleased you mentioned it. I havent looked round all your interesting “Categories” yet, but I will be remembering to cite you or ask permission if an article seems so important, I cant avoid mentioning it on my own blog!

    I like to think that’s a professional courtesy…

    Kind Regards, _writer.

  23. Joy says:

    Saw this link via Jon’s twitter (Children’s Writing Web Journal). One of my favs with great insight is http://www.nathanbransford.blogspot.com. It’s an inside look from an agent’s perspective. There’s always tons of great info on it.

  24. In honor of the second annual Words Matter Week, the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors invites bloggers everywhere to write on the idea that “words matter.” Once you post, please sign up in the Mr. Linky in the starter post at the NAIWE NewsWire blog, so that people will be able to easily find the various posts. You’re welcome to leave a comment as well. Words matter!


    I hope you can join us for some of the Words Matter Week events (you can read more about it here: http://www.naiwe.com/words-matter/week.php). Please feel free to share this invitation with other bloggers, writers, and editors. We look forward to reading your posts!

  25. Kate says:

    A great list, but there are some other sites that you missed. probably because they are just starting up.

  26. Abirm says:

    Informative! I personally think that elance, guru, and ODesk offer many writing job opportunities. You can get paid to blog at an hourly wage or per project.

  27. Thank you so much for sharing this great list of blogs that are ‘must reads’ for writers.

    You have managed to provide for me some new gems of wisdom to review and so I have bookmarked this post, thanks again.

  28. louie jerome says:

    Very useful blogs to read! Thanks.

  29. gin says:

    Another treasure is http://writebadlywell.blogspot.com/. The author shows great examples of bad writing – or in his own words, How To Write Badly Well.

  30. Great list!

    It’s interesting that 2 years down the line, most of these are still going strong!

    There are several on your list which are my favourites already, but I will check the others I haven’t visited.

    It’s essential for every to continue learning and polishing his her skills – and reading other writers’ blogs helps.

    Thanks Dustin!

    Nikki May

  1. April 11, 2008

    […] Writer’s Technology Companion. I feel like I’m in some pretty illustrious company. Check it out! 22 Blogs Every Writer Should Read. Thanks, Dustin! More feeds for the […]

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    […] 22 Blogs Every Writer Should Read (tags: blogging marketing writing blog) […]

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