Making the Most of Your RSS Link
This is another guest post by Stephanie Stiavetti from Wasabimon. Stephanie agreed to write a couple of posts for the site while I’m busy unpacking after my move and getting ready for NaNoWriMo. Please...
The Writer's Technology Companion
A blog about writers and their tools
This is another guest post by Stephanie Stiavetti from Wasabimon. Stephanie agreed to write a couple of posts for the site while I’m busy unpacking after my move and getting ready for NaNoWriMo. Please...
My apologies for recent craziness with the RSS feed. It seems that one of my plugins has interfered with the operation of another plugin. I’m trying to straighten it out right now. Incidentally, this...
Once you’ve recorded a show, you need to upload it somewhere on the Internet. You could upload it to your own site, but if your show is at all popular you’ll soon find yourself...
I had originally scheduled this post for later in May, but the folks at Daily Blog Tips declared May 1 RSS Appreciation Day and I decided to join in the fun. So you lucky...