Moving to Linux: Working with the Netbook, Part 2
Firstly, to the many pairs of people who have been following this series, my sincerest apologies for the delay. Life has once again, rather successfully, gotten in the way of doing what I enjoy....
The Writer's Technology Companion
A blog about writers and their tools
Firstly, to the many pairs of people who have been following this series, my sincerest apologies for the delay. Life has once again, rather successfully, gotten in the way of doing what I enjoy....
During my last post, I listed some of the virtues of the netbook. But due to the (comparatively) underpowered and compact hardware, it is almost a certainty that the netbook won’t be your only...
So, you’ve gotten your text, which is surely the twenty-first century equivalent of “Common Sense”. Back in those days, you would have sent your manuscript to the typesetter for printing; nowadays, you have something...
In the last installment, we examined how to compose and check your writing using the Linux tools txt2tags and aspell. Let’s assume that you’ve used these tools now–used them quite a lot. You now...
As I highlighted in my last post, plain text is an excellent medium for writers to begin their process. Actually, in many cases, plain text is a perfectly acceptable format for writers to end...
We writers are pretty easy to please when it comes to computing requirements. Writing can be achieved with the simplest of media: white screen, black text. As an avid free and open source software...
Joining Stephanie Siavetti as my guest while I straighten out my move and get the site prepared for NaNoWriMo (I’ve got about 10 or so interviews with former NaNoWriMo participants to post already, and...