NaNoWriMo Interview: Betty Punkert
Betty Punkert is the Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo in Winnipeg, Canada, and has won the NaNoWriMo challenge 5 times before this year (and looks set to get her sixth win this year). Although she...
The Writer's Technology Companion
A blog about writers and their tools
Betty Punkert is the Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo in Winnipeg, Canada, and has won the NaNoWriMo challenge 5 times before this year (and looks set to get her sixth win this year). Although she...
Image by slack12 via Flickr There comes a time in nearly every big writing project when you just can’t seem to move forward. Maybe you’ve written yourself into a corner and aren’t sure how...
Image by sirwiseowl via Flickr In my series on collecting and organizing ideas, I discussed mind-mapping as a brainstorming tool. Mind-mapping is a kind of free-association method in which ideas are generated by association...
Image by ecstaticist via Flickr The hardest part of any project for me is getting my notes and captured thoughts into some sort of usable format. That’s one of the reasons why I like...
Image via Wikipedia Ideas are paradoxical. While hours of urgent deep thought might leave us without a clue, at other times ideas seem to pop into our heads effortlessly, dazzling us with their perfection....
Image via Wikipedia While coming up with ideas might be easy, coming up with good ones is a bit harder. You increase your odds, of course, by coming up with lots and lots of...
Image via Wikipedia “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,” poet Robert Herrick advised his readers — for all too soon, you’ll be old and rosebud-gathering will be just one of many things you are...