Tagged: planning

NaNoWriMo Interview: Amanda Kendle

NaNoWriMo Interview: Amanda Kendle

Amanda Kendle is an Australian travel writer who dreams of becoming a published fiction writer. Perhaps that’s why she called her blog and exercise in creative procrastination Becoming a Fiction Writer – but then,...

NaNoWriMo Interview: Jon Strother

NaNoWriMo Interview: Jon Strother

Jon Strother (“jstro” on NaNoWriMo’s site) is a government employee who writes across several genres – science fiction, fantasy, romance, as well as non-fiction science papers and technical writing. He has participated in NaNoWriMo...

NaNoWriMo Interview: Sonja Faust

NaNoWriMo Interview: Sonja Faust

Sonja Faust is a romance writer living in North Carolina. This year she’ll do NaNoWriMo for the fifth time, after completing the challenge successfully twice. She’s published two short stories, “Love in Shadow” and...


NaNoWriMo Interview: Catherine Hicks

In honor of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), I’ll be running a series of interviews with writers who have tried their hand at the NaNoWriMo challenge before. Hopefully, their words will lend other writers...