Who Are You?
When I launched this site in late March, I had a few ideas about who I thought would be interested in the kind of material I post here. But to be honest, the site’s readership ahs grown a lot faster than I’d expected — we touched 600 RSS/Email subscribers yesterday, and a couple hundred people also visit the front page every day. So I’m estimating my readership at around 1000 or even more people — which makes me think that I was mistaken about who would be reading.
So, for a little weekend fun, I thought I’d ask: who are you? Are you a beginning writer or a more established one? Do you blog, and if so, where? What kind of writing do you do? What is your “day job”, if it isn’t writing? What are you interested in?
Let’s get to know each other a little better, ok?
I am a freelance writer, blogger, online marketing copywriter, and all around lover of techie tools…especially those that can make writing easier and more fun. Great website!
I’m an e-learning technologist, photographer, 40 year old father, and aspiring writer. I’ve published a couple of photography articles on Lifehacker.com and I’d like to write a book. I’m thinking it will be a collection of essays about my personal take on the last X number of weddings I’ve shot. It’ll be a vehicle for me to express some opinions and insights into my personal views on marriage, love and family.
Hi Dustin,
I’m a (most the time) development project manager and (significantly less of the time) fiction and non-fiction author. I’ve had a one or two of both types published, mostly non-paying.
I actually joined because I was in the starting phases of trying to launch a blog very much like this one, after having subscribed to the likes of SF Novelists, Writer Unboxed, and Men With Pens. Most of the non-fiction work I do is technology-related, and it seemed like a perfect niche between the two.
But you beat me to it… Let me know if you need a guest poster sometime. 🙂
Dustin — I’ve gotten totally addicted to your blog, so thanks for the opportunity to share your readership.
I’m a multi-published romance author who writes for Berkley Sensation. my next book, IMMORTAL WARRIOR (coming Nov. 4, 2008), is the first in an extended paranormal romance series about a crew of Viking warriors cursed to live forever as the weres of their fygljur, their spirit companion animals.
I blog on my website ( http://lisahendrix.com/blog ), as well as at Fangs, Fur, and Fey ( http://community.livejournal.com/fangs_fur_fey/ ) and Rose City Romance Writers ( http://rosecityromancewriters.blogspot.com/ ), plus shortie blogs at Amazon connect and MySpace.
Hey, this is cool — I wasn’t expecting so many responses so soon, and from such a wide range of people. Aaron — guest posts are always welcome, although I haven’t really put any system in place. Email me from the contact form and we’ll talk. Or… go ahead and start up that blog. There’s plenty of room for everyone, I think.
I am an internet junkie who gets his kicks showing other people the cool stuff I find. And I’m working on becoming a freelance writer, online and IRL.
I tweet a bit, too
I’m a relatively new reader of your blog. I’m a romance author, but I also have a day job as an office manager.
I am from India. For the last 2 years I have become very much interested in blogging. Though initially I was rehashing, lately I find myself interested in developing original content.
That is how I rediscovered my joy of writing and desire to learn the art of writing.
Cheers and keep up the good work.
Part time food writer, full time IT person. Sort of just starting out, but getting prolific assignments and looking for ways to streamline/organize it all. 🙂
I am a freelance writer and I blog about my family (to keep in touch because we live half a world away). I also blog about my triumphs and difficulties with healthcare leadership in my day job. Incidentally, my day job requires an extensive amount of writing—for awards, recommendations, and advice.
I’m a freelance writer, blogger, editor, and translator. I also write fiction, though I have yet to get paid for that. I’m from the States but have lived in northern Thailand for the past year.
Love the balance of writing/tech info in your blog…it’s one of the few blogs I never skip in my RSS reader!
I’m a fiction writer with a few short stories published and two unpublished novels, writing my third. I also edit non-fiction about sustainability issues for a job. Still haven’t even got a website together yet, but am trying to get tech savvy.
I am from an asian country. I think its a great blog, writers technology companion. Keep up the good work… I look forward to posts that have lists 🙂
I have just finishing my first non-fiction book, and I am going to self-publish it. I’m trying to learn about InDesign for page layout right now, and it’s kicking my ass.
By day I manage corporate accounts, and by night I write and I blog at http://www.definingsomeday.com.
Thanks for asking!
I freelance nonfiction (after a career as a newspaper staffer), I edit, I run a monthly magazine, I teach writing at a university, and, when I can find the time, I write fiction. Found your blog through Stepcase Lifehack,which I love.
I am a stay at home dad. Way back in high school I had an English teacher urge me to take up writing, because he loved what I wrote. I went into Chemistry instead, but dropped out after getting my PhD to be a Dad.
My teacher passed away about 2 years ago, which got me thinking about what he said to me.
I took up writing a journal as a start at writing and to record the kids growing up. Found I really liked it. Looking at starting a blog now and just exploring what I like to write.
Elle: I just produced an e-book/POD book for college students called Don’t Be Stupid using InDesign and Acrobat, and will be writing up a series of posts about that. I just brainstormed a set of topics yesterday! Stay tuned — I’ll start with a post or three about InDesign.
PS If you’re importing from Word, use styles and sections — InDesign will pick up the styles so you an apply global changes to headers, paragraphs, lists, etc.
I am a female sports blogger. I write for Love the Game, Don’t Like Puck Bunnies. I started blogging in February 2008. The job that pays the bills is an administrative position at an international organization. I regularly read this blog to learn tips on enhancing writing and blogging skills.
I am a female sports blogger. I write for Love the Game, Don’t Like Puck Bunnies. I started blogging in February 2008. The job that pays the bills is an administrative position at an international organization. I regularly read this blog to learn tips on enhancing writing and blogging skills.
I run The Sunny Way, a group blog oriented on becoming the people we need to be to solve our environmental problems and create an awesome future for everyone.
My day job is tech writing, training, support, and design for a b-2-b software package.
Writing is something I’ve always done and will always do — like Joan Didion says, it’s how I learn what I think.
I subscribe to this blog because I like Dustin’s writing and tips. Not everything here is relevant to me (the detailed tips on software, for instance) but the articles on process-based technologies keep me coming back.
Dad, husband, writer/ banker, Ohioian
To get more writing time I try to incorporate GTD principles. Do some consulting on the side regarding job satisfaction and Attn Mgmnt. I love the little tricks you thrown in. They fit nicely on notecards for writing on the go.
I write for a living.
It’s a Spartan living, really.
I’m a publisher of books on business, management and IT. Most of my authors are amateur writers (they’re professionals in their chosen subject). I look at your site for tips I can pass on to them.
I am basically a beginning writer. I blog at http://www.AnotherDayintheDarkParade.net. I belong to a local writers group and after my submissions are critiqued I post them to my blog. My readership has been growing slowly but steadily.
I work as a technical writer and I love it.
As you can tell, I write quite a bit.
I get ideas I keep track of in an idea book. Whenever I get the time and energy, I intend to take my best ideas and write them into short stories, novellas, or novels, whatever they turn out to be.
I’m a student who has yet to write anything meaningful.
I hope to write a novel of some sort after my Creative Writing tutor told me that a short story of mine should end up as a novel.
I’m from Sydney, Australia. I’m an author (fiction, parenting and gift categories); writer – various magazines (mainly niche business) and a column in parenting e-zine (http://realmums.com.au/you/); and a PR Consultant.
I have started uploading some of my columns onto a blog (www.colourfulwords.blogspot.com) and would like to develop it further but for now my strategy is quality over quantity.
I am addicted to reading other people’s blogs too.
My take is that yours is a brilliant, unique resource for writers in what is becoming an oversaturated bloggers blog market.
Keep up the great work!
I have always been a writer. I was a literature major in undergrad, and now I’m getting my MA in Intercultural Studies, which is requiring a lot more writing than I’ve had to do in the last couple of years.
In addition, I coordinate volunteers at a local homeless shelter, full time, giving me the opportunity to practice writing appeals, meaningful/heartfelt thank yous, and shoring up my personal communication skills.
As of last week, I am also working part time at my church in the Publications role. It’s completely thrilling and overwhelming, and I can use all the tips and information I can get!
I’m a dj in Charleston southcarolina looking to improve my sit/blog on bbq. Thanks for the good blogging info.
Hey there, I’m Glen and I write on a site that is in a similar niche to Lifehack – http://www.PluginID.com
I found your site through there, great blog!
Where can I find the RSS feed link?
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