More on Mind-Mapping – and a Contest!

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19 Responses

  1. I am the webmaster for Loaves & Fishes a nonprofit organization in Sacramento, so I am responsible for most of the written content on the website. My situation is unique because most of the things I write I don’t actually have to come up with, they come to me. At Loaves & Fishes we serve over 1000 people per day, and there is no end to the amount and diversity of stories and interesting events that are taking place. So for most of my ideas, I just write what is happening.

  2. Chris says:

    I pull from several sources to give me variety in my material and freshness. I use Google blog search alerts for my keywords to see what other bloggers are writing about. The headlines give me fresh ideas. The local watering hole has also been an excellent source to learn what are people talking about. Especially beneficial for me to learn what people in other circles, age brackets find important. Finally, I mind map myself, going back to old posts and archived writings to increase the stickiness of my blog and give it some character. I try to listen.

  3. Topsy-Techie says:

    I took up your challenge and created a post about how I get my ideas for writing on my Topsy-Techie blog. Stop by and check it out if you get a chance! Great contest!

  4. Jinxygrrl says:

    I get my ideas pretty much out of thin air. Something usually starts with the kids and their questions or antics and I turn it around from there. Also, sitting in a restaurant just people watching is great research and background.

  5. Firefly Mom says:

    I got the link to your post from Topsy-Techie’s blog.

    I get all of the ideas for my blog from my life – friends, family, and our life in general. Most of my ideas come from my 13 y/o son. Our family is close and we spend a lot of time together, so there are plenty of opportunities for ideas!

  6. Amanda says:

    I had a slightly creative mood and also wrote a post about where my ideas come from – it was interesting to think about it again – thanks!

  7. Mike says:

    Most of my ideas come to me at the strangest times: in the shower, while driving, or while reading something else. These are the “a-ha!” moments, the ones that writers live for.

    Sometimes my ideas are from deep immersion in the creative process, where connections are formed or two dissimilar things combine to create a new idea. I’ve solved problems this way (the hero has dug herself into a hole, how to get out?).

    I value both methods, and I find that the more I indulge myself in these moments, the more the ideas flow.

  8. My ideas come from living life. Every single input from what I see, hear, taste, feel, and smell all floods in. Do I know where it all goes? Nope, just somewhere in my brain. Then it does some sort of wonderful dance up there and swirls together and apart and then somehow, magically it seems, shares it back to the more conscious part of me as a new idea, thought, task, smile, worry, word, brush stroke, or whatever else it is. It doesn’t matter where they come from, just so long as they keep coming!

    Thanks to Topsy-Techie for sharing!

  9. Katharine says:

    I can find it very hard to get ideas on my own. I have most luck while driving in the car or when I am in bed and supposed to be getting up for work. If only I could stay there I am sure I would have written something truly spectacular by now!
    One thing guaranteed to get me great ideas is chatting with my best friend and trusted Beta reader. She is phenomenal at talking something through with me and the ideas just poor out of my brain.
    Large bits of paper are also essential for trapping all these ideas. I find it useful to be able to write on the whole surface of a table!

    I’ll tweet a link to your contest!

  10. Zoe says:

    Fun contest! I’ll go all out and write a post as my entry…

    I have a hard time keeping a system for idea-gathering. I’ve downloaded Evernote, which seems really efficient, but I have yet to really use it. I still stick with pen and paper for brainstorming (and mind-mapping), but I’d love to explore good mind-mapping software.

    I’ll post again here when my own post is up!

  11. Zoe says:

    Hi, Dustin:

    Here’s my post/entry on where I get my ideas:

    Thanks for posting this contest!

  12. Anand says:

    Ideas evolve out of the human need to fill the gap between realities and aspirations.

  13. Franselva says:

    My ideas come from my imagination, from my fantasy.
    An idea is a very personal thing.

  14. I get ideas by being around people who are different than me and have talents in my areas of weakness. Also, get ideas from connecting with nature and disparate topics of my own interests with note taking using mind-maps, and meditation by reading mind-map and closing my eyes to start journey to visualization of what it is exactly on my mind so I can take it to action.

  1. October 14, 2008

    […] you would rather get your ideas the legal way, head over to TWTC and get in on this great […]

  2. October 14, 2008

    […] blog I often read called The Writer’s Technology Companion they’re running a contest on mind-mapping -a technique my visual-learning brain rather likes – and the theme was “where do you get […]

  3. October 20, 2008

    […] to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Dustin Wax of The Writer’s Technology Companion wrote a post about mind-mapping software. I wrote about the joys of mind-mapping here, but I was specifically talking about how effective it […]

  4. October 28, 2008

    […] is an interesting blend of right-brain creative exploration and left-brain order-making. Over at The Writers Technology Companion blog, they’ve been looking at where ideas come from. Mind-mapping is a definitely a great […]