Using Software to Track Submissions: Part 1 – Introduction

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5 Responses

  1. Tom Colvin says:

    Dustin, I’ve been using for years a writing management software called Write Again. It hasn’t been updated for a long time, but a complete rewrite of the code is virtually done. I understand from the developer that the new version is nearly beta stage.

    Writers may wish to look at the “old” page and write the developer to get on the list for notification about the new version. Go to: — the hyphen in the address is important.


  2. Sebastien B says:

    Hi, here are two freewares that do just this:

    Writer’s Database:


    But they don’t have as much features as Write Again.


  3. Sarah says:

    I use Published! to track my submissions and revisions — really cool! It’s on the Mac Store but a free lite version is available from their site

  1. July 28, 2008

    […] Wax at The Writer’s Technology Companion has written a four-part series on software to track your submissions. He looks at a number of interesting desktop […]