Using Software to Track Submissions: Part 4 – Online Submission Trackers
If your writing takes you away from your home computer often, or if the thought of working “in the cloud” (on the web) just appeals to you, you might want to try an online submission tracking system. Luminary’s Writer’s Database (not to be confused with the desktop “Writer’s Database” I mentioned in Part 3 of this series) does everything the desktop software in Part 3 does. You can enter markets, add manuscripts (just the title, not the whole document), and track submissions. But being on the web enables a couple of other neat features that might appeal to you.
One is the word count tracking feature — you can add a word count to each manuscript as you add it, or go back in and update the word count on a daily basis. Writer’s Database then generates a graph, showing you your output on a weekly basis. Useful for keeping on top of your productivity.
Another useful feature is the “Shared Markets” section. Since Writer’s Database is web-based, users can share information with the entire community. You have the option sharing any new market you add, and clicking “Shared Markets” will show you all the markets other users have shared. This is a great way to find out about new markets.
Everything in Writer’s Database is searchable, as well, which can help you to find markets you’ve forgotten about or submissions when you can’t remember all the details. And a set of new “gadgets” — plugins for your Google or Netvibes homepage, as well as a Yahoo Konfabulator widget and a Mac OSX dashboard widget — allow you to track your submissions in a number of different ways.
Web-based applications aren’t for everyone, but Writer’s Database is well-designed, well-programmed, and more or less intuitive. It’s definitely worth a look, and with the word count tracking, may well become a part of your everyday routine.
Nice work,man…have submit to my Linkin account. More of my friends will see this post…great…They will interested it…Thanks.
Thank you so much, Dustin, you help out a lot 🙂