Beat Your Royalties with Amazon Associates

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3 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    I’ve used their program for quite awhile. I’ve made some, not a lot. The interface though is very user-friendly. With WordPress also having plug-ins for Amazon Associate sales, it doesn’t make sense not to use it.

  2. I used to run a book search site, and I’d recommend adding links for all three major stores (Amazon, B&N, and Borders). 8 times out of 10 Amazon will work but some people just prefer to shop elsewhere.

    Also, BookSense just changed their name to IndieBound ( Books purchased through that program benefit independent booksellers. As a former card carrying member of the ABA, I always kept a BookSense link too (although they were not so great with the tracking and payout).

  3. CuriousInThisMethod says:

    I think something is wrong with the math, or I am not understanding this correctly.

    If something is 60% off retail, then it is 40% of the original price.

    40% of $20 = 8, where in your example you are multiplying by 60%. Could clarify? I have no knowledge of wholesale prices for books, but my mother is an author and I am interested in your GREAT idea!