Link: Random Name Generator "Unled"
Need names for your novel’s cast of thousands? Unled has you covered. Visit the page and you’re presented with 4 random names drawn from, as I understand it, census data (or maybe phonebooks, or maybe even Google — in any case, some suitably large database of actual people’s names). You get two men’s names and two women’s names, one of each based on the commonality of the first and last names, and one a totally random draw. So, for instance:
Not based on percentage
Based on percentage
Not based on percentage
Based on percentage
You can just see them, can’t you? Rita Fritz, the long-suffering personal assistant to Dudley Sultan, rich, eccentric, and exceedingly stupid corporate maven. Rita has her eye on Daniel Sibley, the new junior executive with the easy-going smile and the love of all people. Unfortunately, so does boardmember and man-devourer Taryn Wardlow, rich, beautiful, and ruthless.
Why it’s a torrid romance novel, I don’t know. Maybe Taryn Wardlow is a Seeker, a red-haired adventurer chasing down the clues in tales of lost lands, trying to reach the Greatest Treasure of Them All one step before the evil Rita Fritz captures its power and puts the entire kingdom under her control. I’m not feeling Rita Fritz, the Evil Witch-Queen, but who am I to argue with the Muses?
In any case, if you’re not feeling it, just hit “Refresh” and you’ll be presented with an entirely new list of names.
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[…] tagged romanceOwn a WordPress blog? Make monetization easier with the WP Affiliate Pro plugin. Link: Random Name Generator "Unled" saved by 4 others ismyfacedirty bookmarked on 05/13/08 | […]
[…] of procrastination? Well, not long after I discovered the Titlescorer website, I read a post on the Writer’s Technology Companion blog about a website that generated random names that you could use for your characters. I checked […]