Congratulations NaNoWriMo Participants

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3 Responses

  1. B McD says:

    Thanks for your support of the event – the interviews were both insightful and encouraging. The best of all (for me) was finding your Linux writing series – very useful indeed!

  2. Dustin Wax says:

    You’re welcome. Aaron Peters has been doing a great job with the Linux posts — and I’m told there are more on the way.

  3. Thanks for running my interview. I enjoyed doing it. I fully expect I’ll be doing NaNo again next year and hope I can use some of the lessons learned from this go round. By the way, I talk about using Twitter to chronicle my NaNoWriMo progress this year on my Blog today. I think Twitter actually turned out to be useful. I was highly skeptical of the utility of Twitter when I first signed up for it, but I think it helped me reach my goal. Pretty cool.
