Build a Better Blog Project
For writers looking to improve their blogs quickly, Darren Rowse’s “31 Days to Build a Better Blog” program might be just the thing. Rowse runs Problogger, one of the top blogs on the Internet and the place to go for information about making a living as a blogger. For the next month, starting April 6, he’ll send out an email every day to everyone in the “31 Days” program with a quick, 10-15 minute task they can do to make their blog a little bit better.
I know little beyond that — like you, I’ll have to wait until the 6th to see what kind of tips Darren is sending out. But, Darren is a) super-smart about blogging, b) very good at explaining things, and c) about the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, and therefore one ofthe givingest, so I’m sure the tips will be effective, well-written, and generous.
The program is free — you just need to give your name and email address to receive the daily emails. IF you need to get your blog in order — or maybe even get your blog started — this looks like a good, quick way to pick up a little steam.
I may be a little late to the game (or extremely late in this case), but I just signed up to the Better Blog Project. So far its been a fantastic exercise, making me think about different facets of my blog like never before.
Thanks for writing about it. You’re the only place I’ve stumbled upon it so far.
I run a popular site for writers and readers called ‘Writing from the Twelfth House’- my three-part article ‘To the Website’ may be of interest and value to those of your readers contemplating setting up their own site. Check out this link:
Best wishes from Scotland
Anne Whitaker