We’re Back
The site was down for a few hours this morning due to a server problem. Everything seems to be back in working order now. I hope nobody was too put off by the site’s absence this morning!
Thank you for your patience. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
(By the way, let me know if you see anything odd around the site. Thinking the problem was something I did, I went ahead and upgraded the software that runs this site. It didn’t help the problem, of course, but I’d meant to upgrade soon anyway, so now that’s done. But I didn’t have a chance to test it as thoroughly as I would have otherwise, so let me know if you see something that seems not quite right.)
Glad you’re back.
Shouldn’t the name of your website be “The Writers’ Technology Companion?”
The companion technology offered by this website belongs to all of us writers, not just to one writer.
Writer should be a plural possessive, as in “Writers'” not a singular possessive, as in “Writer’s.”
My two cents.
Craig: The thought did occur to me. In the end, I was going for the idea of those old-fashioned books a person might keep at their bedside, in their workshop, or on their desk with titles like “The Woodworker’s Guide to Finishing” or “The Fisherman’s Companion” or (for a real example) “The Writer’s Handbook”. Since reading and writing are both solitary affairs, no matter how many people do them, I thought the singular was appropriate.
That’s not to suggest, though — and I hope the title doesn’t — that I’m not trying to be inclusive of all writers! A strong case can certainly be made for the plural, it’s just not the way I decided to go with the title.
The possessive apostrophe can be a real killer. Sometimes, there is no ‘correct’ answer.