Words Count: Online Readability Analysis
You know your word count. But how do you know if your words count?
Words Count is an online readability analyzer, offering you more information about your prose than you could possibly imagine. Cut and paste in any sample of text (up to 20 pages) and Words Count will give you back the percentage of your writing that is verbs, prepositions, and other parts of speech, the relative occurrence of personal and impersonal pronouns, a breakdown of word usage by frequency, an assortment of different readability indexes such as the Fleisch Readability Index, and lots more information. If you’re using Word 2003 or 2007 or Google Docs, you’re already getting some of this information, but Words Count takes it to the limit, offering about every known way of looking at whether your text works, and for whom. My only complaint is that it doesn’t offer much in the way of explanation for many of the readability indexes; I guess that’s why we have Wikipedia…
Worth a check-out.
where the hell is it? I’m looking for it, can’t find it.
It looks like the host took it down, or it’s broken — I don’t get a page not found error, but I don’t get anything else either at that address. That’s a shame — it was pretty neat. Maybe try again later?