Category: Site News

I’m On a Short Holiday

I’m On a Short Holiday

Yesterday was Labor Day. Today is my birthday. Last week, the semester started at the university where i work. I have a big deadline coming up. And we’re buying a new house. So I’m...

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

When I launched this site in late March, I had a few ideas about who I thought would be interested in the kind of material I post here. But to be honest, the site’s...

Publishing Glitch

Publishing Glitch

IF you subscribe to this site by RSS (or email), you probably saw the first part of my upcoming series on Word 2007 this morning. Yesterday, I cooked up a whole stew of posts,...

Coming Back

Coming Back

Thanks for bearing with me for a couple weeks while I worked my way through some things. The Writer’s Technology Companion will be back on a more regular posting schedule next week. While I’ll...

Taking a Short Break

Taking a Short Break

Life. It has a way of sneaking up on you, doesn’t it? I’m going to take a short break from The Writer’s Technology Companion. Not more than a week or so, just long enough...

RSS Craziness

RSS Craziness

My apologies for recent craziness with the RSS feed. It seems that one of my plugins has interfered with the operation of another plugin. I’m trying to straighten it out right now. Incidentally, this...