Special Bonus Tip: Free Audiobooks at Audible.com, This Thursday Only
The Writer’s Technology Companion is almost here! My goal is to launch it next week. I appreciate the patience of everyone who has subscribed to either the email update list or the RSS feed.
By way of thanks, I offer this little tidbit of news. This Thursday (March 27), from 11 am EST to 11am EST Friday morning(Mar 28), Audible.com is offering a selection of free audiobooks to new customers. The URL for the giveaway is www.audible.com/biglisten. Those are all the details I have right now — I don’t know if you’ll have to subscribe to their service, what books they’re offering, or anything else. There’s no page up at that address, yet, not even a “Coming Soon” page.
If you listen to This Week in Tech, this isn’t news, but if you don’t listen to TWiT, or you missed it this week, I thought you might be interested in hearing about this promotion (which is apparently a TWiT exclusive).
So have a look, and be sure to check back with The Writer’s Tech Companion next week!