Hustle Your Work with WordHustler

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5 Responses

  1. Wow! Cool! This sounds like a good service. I’m glad you have this blog, because I love stuff like this. I’m going to go check out WordHustler right now. Thanks!

  2. Topsy-Techie says:

    Now that is quite a writer’s tool! And I had never heard of it before. Thanks for the head’s up…

  3. Paul Lagasse says:

    Sounds great for the research and tracking functions, but for the queries and cover letters functions my little red caution flag popped up. Editors will use any excuse — ANY excuse — to toss a submission into the circular file. Anything that reads even remotely like a form letter or query will absolutely get sh**canned. They read hundreds of queries a week, and they can spot patterns quickly.

    I’m not saying don’t use the service (far from it, WH sounds very useful), just keep an eye out for that if you use the query and cover letter functions. If they’re highly customizable, then by all means tweak away.

  4. Dustin says:

    Paul: You echo *exactly* my worries when I first discovered this service, and the very first things I asked Ms. Walls in our communication. Her response was pretty clear:

    WordHustler is not a one-submission-fits-all service. We do not encourage or enable writers to make blind and blanket query submissions because that doesn’t benefit anyone, the market or the writer. Especially the writer…. Each query letter is tailored to the specific market and can be edited at all points of the submission process.

    There is no “instant query letter” or “instant submission cover letter” generator; each query or submission is hand-written by the author for each submission. Of course, individual authors might make the mistake of writing a one-size-fits-all letter that isn’t tailored to each individual market they are submitting to, but they already do that — and they will learn soon enough that this doesn’t work.

    What WordHustler *does* do is package what you’ve created in a professional way. So query/cover letters are nicely laid out and printed — that’s the TeX engine at work — and envemopes are neatly labelled. MOre importantly, if a market askes for X, y, and z, but not a, b, and c, that’s what they get. Writers, their minds on their creative pursuits, are often a little scatter-brained about this, a big complaint of editors (after the one above, that authors don’t take the time to understand the markets they’re submitting to and tailor their queries to that market’s needs).

    There’s one other thing working against writers using WordHustler injudiciously, and that’s money. While their rates for printing and mailing submissions are reasonable, they do add up — sending out 100 submissions, even at the lowest rate (for 1-4 page submissions, if I remember right) will cost several hundred dollars. There are, of course, plenty of writers who will spend without limits in their pursuit of seeing their name in print, but for the rest of us, the return on investment is likely to be way too low to send out more submissions than we already are– or than we would, if we had more time and were better organized.

  5. Paul Lagasse says:

    Thanks, Dustin! That puts my mind at ease. I’d be curious to hear what people who have tried WH think of it. If anyone reading this excellent post tries WH, please come back and tell us about it!