Writing on Your iPhone: One Novelist’s Story

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17 Responses

  1. dianejwright says:

    Interesting! I, too, am putting fiction in readers’ hands. My new novel is available to read on the iPhone, iPod, Blackberry, Sony Reader, Amazon Kindle, etc. It wasn’t an easy conversion but so far, readers seem to love the portability and I love that reading is hot again. eBooks are here to stay.

    BIRTHDAY GIRL is available for download at http://birthdaygirl.fatbrain.ca

  2. Paul Lagasse says:

    A very cool idea, and if it catches on it might encourage developers to create more apps that turn the iPhone and iPod touch into real pocket computers. Ms. Tardif might want to take a look at TextGuru, the iPhone app that comes closest to real word processor functionality that I’ve seen. It has copy/paste (hooray!), lets you save files in a variety of useful formats, and allows up/downloading of files to a computer. (Not affiliated, just a happy user.)

  3. Jens Poder says:

    This reminds me… Why isn’t there a Bluetooh keyboard for the Iphone. I have written loads of stuff on my old Palm Pilot using a small folding keyboard.

    Typing on the screen is usable, but not very fast, due to lack of tactile feedback.

    – Jens Poder

  4. Anne says:

    Just to share, in case others haven’t seen these articles…cell phone novels have been apparently been gaining popularity in Japan. See, for instance, this 2007 article from Wired: http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2007/01/72329 and the January 2008 article in the NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/20/world/asia/20japan.html . The latter article provides an interesting note: “Of last year’s 10 best-selling novels, five were originally cellphone novels….”

  5. Dustin Wax says:

    Anne: Good point. As a general rule, anything new we in the US can think of to do with our cell phones, the Japanese have already tried it, perfected it, and become blase’ about it. To be fair, Japanese writing can make use of ideograms to pack more meaning into a smaller space than English can, but it’s true — they’ve been writing and reading novels on their phones for at least a couple years now.

  6. Wandoko says:

    Interesting writing project, the lack of tactile feed back surely require a fair amount of patience. I’m not a writer, but sometimes, suddenly I have something in my mind I thought worth to be written, and I grab my mobile phone and wrote those words with the keypad, tapping the keys two or three times and even four times, just to get my letter comes up, iphone with its touchscreen it will be easier for that aha moments. I feel that if I’m going to do a writing project with that little device, I need to get used to with it, and at the point when I’m not amazed anymore with its advance in technology, write.

  7. matt guzman says:

    I thought this was awsome! I recently purchased an ipod touch, which has the same apps as the iphone. And just like your story mine started the same way. I began playing with the notes app and started writting a short story which is also written as a journal. at first I thought it was an original idea to write a novel completely on an ipod but it seems you beat me to it. Oh well I may not be first but my story uses the ipod through out it. it is an inexhaustible tool for the characters. I felt by using it in the story that was being written on it was a nice touch. anyway god luck with your iphone novel. lord knows i’ll need it on mine

  8. Interesting read. There is currently quite a lot of information around this subject around and about on the net and some are most defintely better than others. You have caught the detail here just right which makes for a refreshing change – thanks.

  9. Luke says:

    I recently bought an iPod touch, and it’s my new favorite writing tool; takes some practice to get up to speed, but when I don’t feel like sitting at the computer, or I’m out somewhere, it’s great for an impromptu writing session or for keeping track of ideas I might otherwise lose. I don’t find the idea of writing an entire novel on it crazy at all. However, I do find the idea that a novel’s having been written completely on a particular device then becomes a marketing hook for the novel–well, really silly, and frankly, sad; sad, I mean, that writers have to resort to such gimmicks to sell books. No matter what you use to write the book, it’s still the words that matter in the end.

  10. Shawn says:

    I don’t think there is any way I could write a book on the iPhone although the iPhone is my platform of choice for my first book – a Choose Your Own Adventure – like story for adults. It’s called “Beer, Women and Bad Decisions…” and I can’t imagine a better platform to kick off my little writing career!

  11. Danny says:

    That’s a great angle. I was thinking about getting an iphone to be able to capture every thought as they came to me, like in the bathroom and stuff. I hope it goes well for you.

  12. Jay says:

    Has anyone tried the Manuacript app for iPhone? I’m tempted to give it a go myself but am daunted by the price tag and lack of a trial version.

  13. Jacqueline says:

    I like using “Write 2” app for writing on the iPhone:D It’s a really nice & simple app with great features. Has anyone tried it?

  14. Matthew says:

    I just spent an hour researching the best writing app for my little iPod. I settled for Manuscript. It’s not THAT expensive for the amount of time you’d be spending with it to write a novel or short story. Just bought it, and it looks like everything I was after. Recommended!

  15. andrew says:

    Check out the new Classic Notebook app!
    It’s free on the AppStore right now.

  1. January 16, 2009

    […] take a look at The Writer’s Technology Companion website where writer Dustin Wax was contacted by published author, Cheryl Kaye Tardif, who told Dustin that […]

  2. May 20, 2011

    […] on how to do it. And those who are using iPhones offer their side as well–writing a novel on iPhone. Some seem to have already been contacted by a publisher according to the messages. You’d […]