Accept Donations on Your Site Via PayPal
There are a lot of good reasons to accept donations on your website. Maybe you feel uncomfortable posting ads, or don’t have the time or initiative to rustle up advertisers, but you’d like to...
The Writer's Technology Companion
A blog about writers and their tools
There are a lot of good reasons to accept donations on your website. Maybe you feel uncomfortable posting ads, or don’t have the time or initiative to rustle up advertisers, but you’d like to...
For most sites, especially when they’re getting started, Google and other search engines are the #1 source of traffic, especially for new visitors who might become regulars. It helps to know a little bit...
I’ve covered this before a little, but it bears repeating: if you’re a writer, you should probably be blogging. You can make some money blogging, but that’s only one reason to blog. Here are...
Readers of The Writer’s Technology Companion might be interested in a post I wrote for Problogger, called Write Reviews That Add Value and Solve Readers’ Problems. If you’re not already familiar with Problogger, it’s...
Whatever the focus and goals of your site, take some time to create at least a few resource posts. Also called “flagship posts” and “pillar posts”, resource posts are entries in your blog that...
FTP stands for “File Transfer Protocol” and is the easiest way to upload files to a site on the Internet, especially if you want to send more than one file. You can think of...
Sunday is a traffic black hole here at The Writer’s Technology Companion. Generally I get about 1/4 to 1/5 the traffic of a typical day on Sundays. The “received wisdom” about blogging is that...
One of the best ways you can promote your website is to link to other sites. Doesn’t make sense on the face of it, does it? How can sending people away from your site...
One of the great features of the WordPress blogging platform is the ease with which you can extend its functionality using plugins. WordPress maintains it’s own directory of plugins, and you can easily find...
Here’s a quick blogging tip for anyone who writes online (which includes you, if you’ve taken my advice and started a blog to promote your writing). Stockpile posts ahead of time and use WordPress’...